Welcome. Worship. Seek.


WELCOME – We believe that welcome is not just at the door, but is a lifestyle of embrace.

We know that for various reasons, people have not always felt fully welcome or accepted at church.
We believe that genuine welcome is not conditional. There are not layers of welcome with Jesus. Everyone is welcome in the house of God.


WORSHIP – We believe that worship is vital for a healthy relationship with God

We actively, intentionally long for, expect and welcome the presence of God through our worship, believing that it is only the kindness of God and the conviction of the Holy Spirit that can empower us for change.
We know that worship can be expressed in many forms. For us, music is a key component of this.


SEEK – We believe that when people experience the love and presence of God, they will seek Him and their own relationship with Him.

We seek God as the source of love that flows to us and through us to others. We seek a living and authentic relationship with God, that is outlived through the encounters and relationships we have. We know that various differences in theology exist, and that’s okay. Our journey isn’t to compete with each other to try to change each other’s theology, but to support each other’s gifts and callings.


You are WELCOME to come and WORSHIP as we SEEK